Building a New Home in the Beach Haven West Real Estate Market

New Construction in Beach Haven West

Building a New Home in the Beach Haven West Real Estate Market
Building a New Home in the Beach Haven West Real Estate Market

Beach Haven West Real Estate Market

The Beach Haven West real estate market is comprised of a variety of different homes ownership options. The most common of these ownership options are single-family homes, however single-family homes can be broken down into a multitude of property styles. There are traditional Cape Cod style homes and single level ranches, older homes which have been renovated and raised above base flood elevation and new construction built after Hurricane Sandy. Building a new home in the Beach Haven West real estate market may seem like a daunting task, especially given the fact that many owners in Beach Haven West maintain primary residences elsewhere, however the benefits can make the project worthwhile.

By : Nathan Colmer | The Van Dyk Group

Cell: 609-290-4293 | Office: 800-222-0131 | |

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Building a New Home in the Beach Haven West Real Estate Market

Beach Haven West is governed by Stafford Township and any new construction must adhere to Stafford Township’s building guidelines. Therefore, before beginning a project it is best to speak with the construction officials in Stafford Township to understand exactly what you may and may not build on a lot. There are a two points to consider when looking to build a new home in Beach Haven West. For example:

  • Any new construction must be built above base flood elevation
  • There are different building guidelines between an “A” flood zone and a “V flood zone”

In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, many homes have been elevated or reconstructed above the new base flood elevation. This is not entirely by choice, but rather by the rule of Stafford Township in compliance with FEMA. The lowest structural member, in other words the floor framing, must be 1 foot above the new base flood elevation levels. This can create a situation where a home will be elevated several feet in the air.

There are some vast differences between building in the “A” flood zone and the “V”. For example, a home located in the “V” flood zone must have breakaway walls and any garage slab must be no more than 4 inches thick and be able to shatter in the event. In addition, any columns were structural membranes must be anchored to resist location or collapse in the event of flood or wind action.

New Construction in Beach Haven West

Building a home in the Beach Haven West real estate market can offer some significant advantages. A home can be custom designed to fit your needs and can often the amenities that you choose. In addition, when building in compliance with FEMA as dictated by Stafford Township, the flood insurance costs of a home will be dramatically less. It is important to remember however that building a new home in the Beach Haven West real estate market is a lengthy process and one that does require attention and management. Overall, building a new home can be a very smart investment and help to realize instant equity in a property. For more information about building a new home in the Beach Haven West real estate market or if you have any questions about the current real estate trends, contact The Beach Haven West Real Estate GroupĀ and we will be happy to help!

By : Nathan Colmer | The Van Dyk Group

Cell: 609-290-4293 | Office: 800-222-0131 | |

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