Beach Haven West Listing Price

Beach Haven West Listing Price

Beach Haven West NJ Real Estate Average and Median Listing Price

Beach Haven West Real Estate

When looking to buy or sell in the Beach Haven West NJ real estate market it is helpful to have an understanding of Beach Haven West Listing Prices. Of course there is usually some variation between the listing price and the sale price of a home but looking back at how the listing price of a single family home has evolved in Beach Haven West over the past 5 years can give some insight into the current market.

By : Nathan Colmer | The Van Dyk Group

Cell: 609-290-4293 | Office: 800-222-0131 | |

Click here to search all homes for sale in Beach Haven West

Beach Haven West Listing Price

Below is a chart that highlights the average listing price and the median listing price of a home in the Beach Haven West real estate market.

Primary YearList Price, AverageList Price, Median
2014$339,688 $319,900
2015$316,044 $279,900
2016$343,308 $327,000
2017$393,724 $349,000
2018$437,560 $419,000
2019$449,846 $499,900

As you can see from the chart above the market has been rising over the past 5 years. While it is still too early in 2019 to make any kind of accurate market assessment the fact that the first couple of months have reported such high numbers lends itself to support the current trends. Prices have been rising and this is partly driven by the number of new and renovated homes that have been selling. Additionally as home prices in the LBI real estate market continue to rise, Beach Haven West can offer a far more affordable alternative.

For more information about buying or selling in the Beach Haven West NJ real estate market or about Beach Haven West Listing Price please do not hesitate to contact me.

By : Nathan Colmer | The Van Dyk Group

Cell: 609-290-4293 | Office: 800-222-0131 | |

Click here to search all homes for sale in Beach Haven West

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